Thank you for visiting the Daily Forty-Niner crowdfunder. We have closed the site for donations but you can make a donation here:
Pays for one month of online storage fees ❤ Pays for two months of our e-newsletter distribution system ❤ Prints about 75 copies of our Commencement Special Issue.
Covers our office equipment fees for one-quarter ❤ Prints about 250 copies of our Commencement Special Issue ❤ Helps us repair and maintain our current multimedia equipment.
Purchases one new distribution box ❤ Pays for one month of a section editor's salary ❤Supplements the cost to upgrade our podcast equipment.
Pays for one month of a managing editor's salary ❤ Covers the cost of our university fees for one-quarter ❤ Supplements the cost to upgrade our photo and video equipment.
Purchases three new distribution boxes ❤ Pays for half of our annual website and digital fees ❤ Covers the cost of much-needed maintenance on our distribution golf cart.
Pays for half our monthly payroll! ❤ Purchases 10 new distribution boxes! ❤ Renews our content management system for one year! ❤ Covers the cost of printing our entire Commencement Special Issue!