Thank you for visiting the Daily Forty-Niner crowdfunder. We have closed the site for donations but you can make a donation here:
The Daily Forty-Niner is the longest-running student news publication at Long Beach State University. For more than 70 years, our student reporters have been producing award-winning coverage of campus and city news and events. The Daily Forty-Niner is an essential resource for students, faculty, staff, researchers, alumni and Long Beach residents.
When COVID-19 hit our campus community last spring, it was a fearful and uncertain time for everyone at CSULB. Yet the Daily Forty-Niner staff remained determined to keep doing their jobs. Our student journalists reported remotely on the latest breaking COVID-19 news and how it affected the campus community. The team regarded their jobs as essential, and the university agreed.
As the pandemic continued, the university moved all classes online, only allowing essential students, faculty and staff on campus. Because of this, the Daily Forty-Niner made the decision to halt all print products until students returned to campus. As print advertising is our highest generating revenue stream, halting print, put out about 80% of our semesterʼs advertising revenue in jeopardy.
Now, your CSULB news source needs your help!
The Daily Forty-Niner is looking to raise $10,000 to help cover the expenses of running a student media outlet impacted by lost ad revenue due to the pandemic. Your donation is a testament to the appreciation of student media and all the hard work the Daily Forty-Niner staff has done and continues to do.
Your donations will help these students continue their passion, even through these uncertain times. Donate today and help us help you stay informed. ❤
---#49erBeachFunder #SupportStudentJournalism
Pays for one month of online storage fees ❤ Pays for two months of our e-newsletter distribution system ❤ Prints about 75 copies of our Commencement Special Issue.
Covers our office equipment fees for one-quarter ❤ Prints about 250 copies of our Commencement Special Issue ❤ Helps us repair and maintain our current multimedia equipment.
Purchases one new distribution box ❤ Pays for one month of a section editor's salary ❤Supplements the cost to upgrade our podcast equipment.
Pays for one month of a managing editor's salary ❤ Covers the cost of our university fees for one-quarter ❤ Supplements the cost to upgrade our photo and video equipment.
Purchases three new distribution boxes ❤ Pays for half of our annual website and digital fees ❤ Covers the cost of much-needed maintenance on our distribution golf cart.
Pays for half our monthly payroll! ❤ Purchases 10 new distribution boxes! ❤ Renews our content management system for one year! ❤ Covers the cost of printing our entire Commencement Special Issue!