One more day to help us to raise funds to further our research efforts in purchasing shark tags. Help us blow past our goal of $30,000 and give hands on experience to students only found here at CSULB!
We encourage you to take a moment to pass on the link and let your friends, family and colleagues know that their support goes a long way in helping understand, protect and preserve a key element in our environment. The study of these apex predators helps us dispel rumor, legend and falsehoods.
Please share our link on your social media accounts and help spread the word. Gifts will go to purchasing shark tags which will allow our researchers and students to track sharks in their environments and to measure key data that is essential to understanding behavioral, feeding, travel and mating patterns.
Thank you and GO BEACH!
We are back to raise funds to further our research efforts in purchasing shark tags. Help us blow past our goal of $30,000 and give hands on experience to students only found here at CSULB!
For the next 30 days we encourage you to pass on the link and let your friends, family and colleagues know that their support goes a long way in helping understand, protect and preserve a key element in our environment. The study of these apex predators helps us dispel rumor, legend and falsehoods.
Our research is unique where students get valuable hands on experience not only in the classroom but in the field. This prepares them to be job ready once they graduate.
Your gift will go to purchasing shark tags, these tags allow our researchers and students to track sharks in their environments and to measure key data that is essential to understanding behavioral, feeding, travel and mating patterns. This understanding will help to further preserve and protect this often misunderstood creature.
Make your gift now and help CSULB students make history!
I would like to thank everyone who has already DECLARED their support for the Shark Lab! We still have a long way go toward our goal. Please let your friends, family and colleagues know about the Shark Lab’s mission of research and discovery. In past trials using shark Smart Tags with integrated cameras we have been able to see exactly what the sharks we are tracking are seeing. This enables us to place the behaviors of the sharks being studied in context of their actual environment. In addition, collecting data like this enables us to do many other types of analysis.
DECLARE your support today
Thank you to our donors who have made such amazing contributions to our cause. Your contributions go towards further understanding the mysteries of the deep and the lives of the apex predators that make up our diverse and complex ecosystem. Please let your friends, family and colleagues know of our mission and encourage them to DECLARE their support today. We are currently 28% funded with 17 days to go. Please spread the word and together we can all be successful!
By Emily Thornton
Take a swim this summer off the coast of Long Beach and there may be an unexpected encounter with a pair of sharp teeth.
But more than likely, the encounter will be only a glimpse of a shark.
California State University, Long Beach, marine biologists issued an advisory last week cautioning beach-goers of an increase in baby shark population due to warmer waters brought on by this year’s El Niño.
Thank you for your generous donations! Your support helps to spear head ground breaking research. You are enabling our undergraduate and graduate students to get hands on training that is extremely valuable. We take pride in knowing that when our students make it out into the field they can hit the ground running. Our students are far more prepared and armed with experience thanks to their CSULB education. We are 35% funded with 11 days left. Please encourage your friends, family, coworkers and peers to make a gift today.
Thank you to all our generous donors! You have DECLARED your support for student research, career preparedness and the future of CSULB. There are four days left in our campaign. We are 36% funded. Help us push past that and beyond. Share your support on Facebook, twitter and etc… Let your friends, family and collegues now that this research impacts every one.
Thank you and GO BEACH!
Thank you to all our donors for their generous support! Due to the interest in this project we are extending the end date to Wednesday 5/13/2015. Please continue to let your friends, family and colleagues know that their investment in Shark Lab research has far reaching affects in the world around them. Please share our link on your social media accounts and help spread the word. We are 55% funded at $16,660. Make a gift today and be a champion of progress. Your investment today makes for a better tomorrow!
Thank you and GO BEACH!
We are now at 60% of goal of $30,000 @ $18,085! Lets keep pushing and getting the word out. There are only a few days left, together we can be successful!
Thank you to all our donors who have shown their support. We have 1 day left! Spread the word and let your friends, family and colleagues know they still have a chance to make an impact. We are 62% funded at $18,735. Make your gift today and lets blast past our goal of $30,000!
A gift of $10 helps build the foundation of success one donation at a time.
Will enable CSULB students to take part in ground breaking research
This gift will provide hands on experience with the latest technology in shark research
A gift of $300 will help cement the foundation of future research
A gift of $500 will provide long term support for the ground breaking tech available to CSULB students
A gift of $1000 will help lift the veil of mystery surrounding the role of sharks in our environment and ecosystem
A gift of $2,500 helps the Shark Lab unlock the secrets of shark's lives
With a gift of $5,000 the donor is welcome to a day in the field