Turn Academic and Artistic Dreams into Reality

Ensemble and Group Travel and Engagement Fund

The years following the Covid-19 pandemic have seen a dramatic increase in the number of opportunities for COTA students to travel outside of campus to share their artistic and creative talents with the world. These opportunities not only showcase Beach excellence but serve as vital recruitment and networking tools that help current COTA students get jobs and to place their work in new cultural contexts. Just this year, groups and ensembles have received prestigious invitations to perform in Wales, Cuba and Broadway in New York City. Such a fund will help us better manage and support these opportunities in a focused and intentional way.

Your gift will help turn academic and artistic dreams into reality. It will also strengthen the university’s reputation as a major force for arts education and performance in and beyond California and boost our ability to compete with high-profile institutions for the most promising student-artists. With your help, we can ensure that a transformative COTA education stays within reach for students from all backgrounds and that our campus remains a richly varied learning environment for all members of the Beach community. 

If you share our passion for, in the words of Dean Royce W. Smith, “preparing some of the world’s finest creatives to share their voice and vision with the world,” then we have the role of a lifetime for you: COTA donor.

College of the Arts Dean’s Excellence Fund

The COTA Dean’s Excellence Fund provides the College of the Arts dean with discretionary resources to respond efficiently to emerging needs, to capitalize on opportunities for growth, and to continue empowering the artists, scholars, educators, audiences, and advocates who will shape twenty-first century culture.  By ensuring that the dean has the resources s/he needs to respond decisively to new opportunities and challenges, your support will help fuel academic and artistic innovation and sustain a long tradition of creative excellence at The Beach.  

Thank you for your support during Beach Spring Day of Giving!



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