The Jensen SAS Center and Lindgren Tutoring Center are absolute hubs of student activity, not just for students in the College of Natural Sciences & Mathematics, but the entire University. Students from all colleges, departments, and majors use CNSM tutoring and mentoring services, making them an invaluable resource for our campus community. Both locations offer a space where students can feel comfortable and get a break from the pressure of classes, and the services are free of charge to all CSULB students.
One of the most important aspects of our tutoring centers is the focus on peer-to-peer tutoring and mentoring. Students benefit from a more relaxed way of learning and a different perspective, while student tutors learn from teaching others. Student tutors gain a greater understanding of the material and simultaneously improve their communication skills. Supporting student tutoring truly means supporting student growth and student success by keeping these vital services free for all students. Please add your support today. Thank you!
“As a CNSM student, the tutoring program in CNSM has contributed largely to my education and understanding in my classes. It is a safe space for me to find help when I’m struggling to understand topics within my major classes or even advice on how to study for specific classes.” – Kate Herrera, tutee, 3rd year, Organismal Biology
“I acquired confidence in interpersonal communication and effective teaching skills that lead students and myself to academic success.” – Yuuki Funakoshi, peer-to-peer mentor, 2nd year, Chemistry